Weekly Study Tip: Music & Learning – Baroque Music

Focus Music

Well, you are one week into school and you may be feeling like it is hard to focus and get your work done with so many new and exciting things happening around you. This is a great time to introduce you to the power of using music to enhance your focus, particularly Baroque music.

There are fascinating studies on music and its effect on concentration and learning that have yielded incredible results.  Baroque music, typified by composers such as Mozart and Bach, is played at approximately 60 beats per minute and activates both sides of the brain, effectively increasing the listener’s learning capacity and the retention of information.

Try it out!!

I swear by the effects on my focus and motivation. It is to the point that all I need to do is start playing my favourite collection and my brain just knows what to do. Remember that you need to give it a chance. Try it out for 14 days consistently. Build the habit and train your brain to focus!


Here is a link to the music I use regularly:


Simply Baroque

More information:

Book: The Mozart Effect

Tip Sheet: Music Can Move Your Brain Waves to Benefit You! 

Research: Music Helps Students Retain Math

Music Study.jpg


Let me know how it works for you!

Dr. Heather Drummond, EdD (Counselling Psychology)

Counsellor * eSuccess-Coach * Passionate Advocate for Student Success


Fennell Campus – “The Square” C102/20

You always book an appointment, on campus, with a counsellor by calling 905-575-2211 or booking in The Square (Fennell), for personal, academic and career counselling.

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