Your Phone is a Tool Not an Appendage! and Other Healthy Mind Shifts


Again, not slagging tech because any tech is AWESOME, we humans are just not so awesome, YET, at using it as a tool that we pick up and put down and walk away from.

Tech Disruption Part #3

This post is Part #3 in a three part series about mental health and your smart phone. Check out Post #1 and Post #2 to learn why reevaluating how you infuse technology into your life is important to your mental wellbeing.

Two Kinds of Tech People


In my last post I had 6 tips for helping you get you started on spending less time with your phone. I figured that you may just be a little tired of listening to a ‘digital immigrant” so I went searching high and low, through many remote places, to find just the right expert to interview, a real life digital native…just kidding, I just had to look next to me on my sofa 😉

I interviewed a real millennial, a extraordinary digital native, a human who has never seen a world without WiFi and computers/tablets (I know…super weird). Jack Snell is a 17 year old high school student who really loves watching videos on a tiny screen in the same room there is a 72″ television.

Please take a moment to check out his advice on healthy engagement with two very popular social media platforms, Insta and Snap…See! This digital immigrant can still sound cool 😉

Now on to a much more interesting Digital Native…


Handling Social Media

By Jack Snell 

Click for Full Article: Handling Social Media by Jack Snell *More Info Here



  • It allows you to share information and pictures with friends, family and that dude that you don’t know but seems like a good guy and likes all your stuff.
  • Powerful tool to create your online and real life image.
  • Instagram is just a great place to indulge in whatever you find entertaining.


  • People’s self worth can be impacted or even dictated based on the amount of followers and likes that they have.
  • Insta is a place for people to show off and make their lives appear to be better than they actually are.

How to deal:



  • Gives you a quick, easy and fun way to talk to people, and with streaks and scores it can become a real life game.
  • Because you are sending pictures AND text, you have the opportunities to use facial cues to express emotions and context that are annoyingly missing on direct messaging platforms. Emojis just don’t cut it sometimes.
  • Like Instagram, it gives you an opportunity to express yourself and your interests through what you choose to send people and put on your story.


  • As I mentioned, it can become like a real life game… and that isn’t good. I’ve been there.
  • Keeping a streak for the sake of keeping it is just weird. Yea, I’ve sent a shot of the floor or my left foot just to keep a streak alive but like… it’s so unnecessary. I doubt people in the 30’s sent blank telegraphs just for the sake of appearing to talk to each other.

How to deal:


Social media is an amazing tool to connect and express yourself with people. That being said, it can also be extremely controlling. For positive mental health AND physical health, it is essential that we all make an effort to use social media in a more healthy way. Sometimes that might even mean not using it at all.

thanks Jack.jpg

Thanks Jack!

It was great to hear your perspective and that you actively use strategies to make your social media experience healthy, fun and overall beneficial.

Great insights and advice!

When Jack is not writing about social media, he is actively posting and scrolling through Instagram pics of cars or writing about them on his blog. Check out his social media: Instagram or WordPress.

Brain NerdYou know I couldn’t end without going a bit PsychNerdy on you 😉 So you now have heard from two people, one a digital native, and me, a digital immigrant, who both LOVE technology but are actively working on integrating it as a tool and not having it negatively affect our life. There is yet another area that social media can adversely affect your life and take some of the fun out of it. Now social media is interfering with your food intake and enjoyment!

Say What?!!?

There was a study done at Bringham Young University, “Satiation from sensory simulation: Evaluating foods decreases enjoyment of similar foods“, which found that looking at many too many pictures of food may actually make the act of eating less enjoyable. 

Yes, it is called Sensory Bordom! Now that Instagram is even messing with your food along with your mental wellbeing, your social savvy and your self-esteem, you have a choice. Less time spent on this little device, which is hard, or continue and have your overall wellbeing nose-dive.



In Closing

Please know…

  • One of the big reasons that we struggle with insecurity today is that we compare our ‘behind-the-scenes’ with everyone else’s ‘highlight reel’. So, keep this “top-of-mind” when you Insta-Creep. When you start feeling icky…drop that phone! Your life IS actually interesting.
  • Being accustomed to having everything at a click means that you tend to keep your life within a comfort or familiar zone. So go out and take some little risks and try something new! Meet a friend in person.
  • You need to stop looking for the “Like Button” in your life.  This is NOT a measure of you as a person, it is a measure of social media influence/addictiveness only. How many times have you just mindlessly clicked “like” with very little emotion or thought? Why don’t you actually tell your friends that you liked their picture or, even better, that you actually like them (say it offline and in person).
  • Your life can be more vivid than it appears on the internet, if you put your phone down once-in-a-while and actually live it.


Tell me about your journey!

#YouGotThis #LiveFully #MentalWellness


Dr. Heather Drummond,  C.Psych.

Psychologist * Passionate Advocate for Flourishing * Human Muddling Through


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